Hormone Imbalance: Self Quiz
Having symptoms that fluctuate with your cycle? Weird menses? Feeling off? Take this self-quiz to identify which of your hormones need to be addressed.
Cortisol: Adrenal Fatigue (Early Stage)
Wired Tired Sensation
Sugar Cravings
Increased abdominal circumference
High Blood pressure and blood sugar
Indigestion, Heartburn
Difficulty recovering from exercise/injury
Irregular Menstrual cycles & Decreased fertility
Weight gain with exercise
Cortisol: Adrenal Fatigue (Late Stage/ Burnout)
Fatigue, loss of stamina
Brain fog
Decreased Stress Tolerance
Insomnia, difficulty staying asleep, or hypersomnia
Postural hypotension (dizzy when standing up)
Salt cravings
Low Progesterone
Irregular cycles
Cyclical Headaches
Bloating before periods
Heavy or painful periods
Ovarian cysts
Easily disrupted sleep
Infertility or Miscarriage
High Estrogen
Heavy Bleeding
Bloating, puffiness or water retention
Weight gain in the hips and thighs
Fibroids, Breast Tenderness, Endometriosis
Migraines or other Headaches
Gallbladder Problems (or removal)
History of an Abnormal PAP
Low Estrogen (Menopause)
Night sweats or hot flashes
Leaky or overactive bladder
Loss of interest in exercise
Bone Loss
Painful intercourse
Low Libido
High Androgens (Male Hormones)
Excess hair on face, arms or chest
Greasy skin and skin tags
Reactivity, irritability
Long menstrual cycles (>35 days)
Ovarian Cysts (PCOS)
Hair loss, eyebrow thinning
Dry skin, dry hair, brittle nails
Weight Gain
Cold intolerance
High Cholesterol
Fatigue & Brain fog
Heavy Periods
Low libido
Infertility, miscarriage, early delivery